, Non-Destructive Testing - Era İple Erişim



    ERA provides Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services without damaging the integrity of the material or piece.

    When required, experienced ERA technicians could enable the NDT specialists of our customers to be safely conveyed to challenging locations and brought back when they are done.

    Non-Destructive Testing is used to detect the discontinuities hidden in the material and/or the discontinuities apparent on the material. Apart from the detection of flaws and imperfections, it is also used for measuring the amount of different types of materials existing in a confined mass, measuring the paint thickness on metal surfaces, assessment of assembled parts, and radar systems. In the scope of Ultrasonic Testing and Industrial Radiography, tests are commonly done by means of sending ultrasonic sound waves, X or gamma rays, or very short wave rays with high-energy to the area which is supposed to be examined.

    The Main Methods We Use In NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)

    • Visual Testing
    • Penetrative Testing
    • Testing with Magnetic Particles
    • Ultrasonic Testing
    • Radiographic Testing
    • Eddy – Current Testing
    • Phased Array Method